





14th of September

I just added a picture of the little darling Bisse. You can find him with the other puppies

12th of September

Hi all. 

A short notice. Kennel Birkely has gotten new phonenumber.  We have been missing the promised pictures of the new puppies (anyone wants to donate a digicam. )  but another update will hopefully follow soon as there is news on the dogfront too. 

Untill then, have fun.


22nd of June

It has been some time since the launch of our website and we would like to thank all the people that has written to us personal and in our guestbook so far.  We have recieved alot of e-mails since the site came up and you should be aware that we ourselves do not have internet acces. That is why communication sometimes drag out a little because we need to talk to the webmaster and back. 

On the dogfront a page with Colemanīs Summer Place that just recently gave birth to five sweet puppies has been added. We hope to have some pictures of the little darlings to show you soon


7th of April

The official Kennel Birkely homepage is now up and running. Feel free to mail us about anything you want to or write in the address book. Future news will be posted here. So keep an eye open. Best regards from us here at Kennel Birkely




 Copyright (c) 2001 Kennel Birkely.